TokyoFlash On Air Touchscreen Watch: For The Space Robot In Your Life

TokyoFlash On Air Touchscreen Watch: For The Space Robot In Your Life:

Another day, another Tokyoflash watch. This one, the On Air, has an LCD screen with backlight and you tell time by reading the numerical minutes read-out as it rotates around in place of the hour hand. It is, to be fair, pretty darn ingenious.

The watch is another fan submission created by skender Asanaliev & Adilet Asanaliev, from Kyrgyzstan. Tokyoflash liked the idea so much that they actually designed and built the working watch.

A multi-functional watch design, Kisai On Air features touch screen technology and displays the time and date. It also has an alarm mode and animation.

The touch screen display has four hot-zones (top, bottom, left, right) which you can simply touch with your finger to change mode; time, date, alarm, light up.

Holding your finger in place for a few seconds allows you to customise; hold your finger over the alarm zone to set the alarm, hold it over the time zone to set the time. It’s intuitive, simple and fun to operate.

It’s available now and costs $179.

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