Vallee, Rucker, and Shirley at TedxBrussels

Vallee, Rucker, and Shirley at TedxBrussels:

Three longtime Boing Boing friends/influences/contributors -- Jacques Vallee, Rudy Rucker, and John Shirley -- delivered fascinating presentations at the recent TEDxBrussels event, themed around "A Day In The Deep Future." Jacques talked about possible new models in physics as we look 50 years out while Rudy shared his vision for "biological computing" of the year 3000. John laid out a sobering forecast and argument against belief in "False Singularities." I've always thought of Jacques, Rudy, and John to be kindred spirits in their open-minded explorations of the fringe, fantastic, and "impossible," so I was delighted that they were on the same bill at this event. TEDxBrussels 2011
