Ambient music inspired by Instagram images

Ambient music inspired by Instagram images:

 Images 2011 2011.12 20111228-Instagrid
BB pal and former guestblogger Marc Weidenbaum, of the excellent Disquiet site asked 25 ambient musicians "who also enjoy using Instagram to create original short pieces of music -- call them "sonic postcards" -- inspired by each other's Instagram photos." He's posted the entire lovely collection of tracks and also a 58-page PDF of the Instagram images and background on the artists. From the Instagr/am/bient project page:

 Images 2011 2011.12 20111228-Instagrambient

Photos shared with the popular software Instagram are usually square in format, not unlike the cover to a record album. The format leads inevitably to a question: if a given image were the cover to a record album, what would the album’s music sound like?

Instagr/am/bient is a response to that question. The project involves 25 musicians with ambient inclinations. Each of the musicians contributed an Instagram photo, and in turn each of the musicians recorded an original track in response to one of the photos contributed by another of the project’s participants. The tracks are sonic postcards.

"Instagr/am/bient: 25 Sonic Postcards"
