Best Bet: Blanket Weave Watch

Best Bet: Blanket Weave Watch:

One's watch doesn’t have to be a major investment. Brooklyn-based jewelry label Cold Picnic offers a functional spin on its leather bangles with the Blanket Weave watch. The stark white face complements the patterned leather band, which is burnished, beveled, and printed by hand. The watch comes in two sizes: a one-and-one-eighth inch version or a broader one-and-three-fourth-inch width. It’s available at The Shiny Squirrel’s Valentine’s Day pop-up this week, alongside fellow local jewelry designers like Elizabeth Knight and Species by the Thousands.

Cold Picnic leather Blanket Weave watch, $80 at The Shiny Squirrel pop-up at Erica Tanov (Feb 2 to 22) or online.

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