Oh look, drive.google.com is 404′ing now. (Page Not Found). That’s interesting because back in October the site was forwarding to the https version before giving a 105 error instead. (Name not resolved.)
Google has also published a blank, weird-looking support page for Google Drive at https://drive.google.com/support. There’s nothing there but a logo and incomplete search box. But hey, nice domain!
That Google’s Dropbox competitor called “Google Drive” exists is known. That’s it’s been in testing is known. But that it’s going to launch, you know, any day now, is one of the longest-running Internet rumors I’ve ever seen. Without fail, every few months, more tidbits of news emerge. More screenshots. Accidental reveals in Google code. URLs changing direction.
So a 404′ing page means, well, nothing (but thanks, tipster). A blank support page means, if it the darned thing ever launches, it may include a FAQ. Excellent. Here’s hoping.
Still, I especially like the way Google has given the support site’s URL a non-English title. “Página de suporte.” Nothing to see here, move along!
Oh, and there’s that Robots.txt file, too. Which reads:
User-agent: *
Crawl-delay: 1
Allow: /$
Allow: /support/
Allow: /a/
Allow: /Doc
Allow: /View
Allow: /ViewDoc
Allow: /present/view
Allow: /present/embed
Allow: /Present
Allow: /TeamPresent
Allow: /EmbedSlideshow
Allow: /templates
Allow: /previewtemplate
Allow: /fileview
Allow: /gview
Disallow: /templateabuse
Disallow: /
Damn it, I’m still excited.