Macoto Murayama's incredible digital flower diagrams

Macoto Murayama's incredible digital flower diagrams: Macotooooo

Macoto Murayama's exquisite "Inorganic Herbarium" diagrams will be on display at Frantic Gallery's booth in the Art Stage Singapore Art Fair next weekend, January 12-15. I first posted about his work back in 2009 and its evolution is nothing short of breathtaking.

 Wp-Content Uploads 2012 01 Murayamamamamama

This time we present exclusively large scale Botanical Diagrams by Murayama with a vast explanatory material on both botanical and technical context of his digital flowers. We will also show how the artist creates his works, beginning from vivisection of a real flower, photography, sketches and then software for 3-Dimensional drawings. For the first time, the original flowers used for the Botanical Diagrams will also be shown inside transparent vessels filled with formaldehyde.

Macoto Murayama: Botanical Diagrams
