MAKE Flickr Pool Weekly Roundup:
Our featured image from the MAKE Flickr pool, this week, from Robert Birkenes, is a lovely work-in-progress shot showing off his build of Ross Orr’s Panoramic Pinhole Camera project from MAKE Vol 09.I’m also partial to Michael Jones’ shot of the wooden clockworks he’s building based on Clayton Boyer’s plans. Oh, and that wooden spool contraption second from the bottom? It’s a homemade jig for slitting 105mm film.
Pinhole camera from robert birkenes.
Beautiful colors from .:madworm:..
Added Escape Wheel and Pallet from mrjones4u.
Teensy Breadboarding from Pete Prodoehl.
Motorized Syringe from Quasimondo.
The Rig from nano_burger.
Mini Mecanum Wheels from