People, this year’s Top Ten Cutest Photos list blows 2010 and 2009 AWAY—see for yourselfs. This morning, we checked the Xtreme Cute Overload Stat-o-Meter™ which tracks every post, checks the amount of screeching per image, and reports back. Then we know we got ya. Based on that metering system, and without further ado, here are the Top Ten Photos of 2011.
Cue the Cute Lang Syne music!
#10 Cutest Photo of 2011:
Goosey Two Shoes
Just when we thought Red Goose Shoes went out of business decades ago, they go and make a comeback. Sender-inner Rebecca B. explains:
These nice folks were staying with us at the St. Francis Inn in St. Augustine, FL. They let me photograph their pet goose, who goes by the name of “Gator.”
While walking alongside his owners in urban or suburban areas, Gator often has to cross many blocks of asphalt and concrete. All that rough terrain takes a toll on his feet, so his people commissioned a special pair of Teva sandals for their bird.
They say it’s totally worth the expense, and Gator seems to like the shoes just fine …
… though sometimes it looks like he “marches” more than he walks. Very deliberate steps.
#9 Cutest Photo of 2011:
You’re my Puppy
According a story floating around the Internets, this little ginger foster kitten named Cheech was introduced to a teeny tiny five-day old orphaned chihuahua puppy named Casanova.
Cheech took to the little puppy, immediately grooming and cleaning him.
The puppy responded to his every touch, snuggling up to his new friend like a pup to his mother.
When Cheech was tired, he would climb into the puppy’s box and cuddle, sharing the heating blanket.
To Cheech, he was “his” puppy and best friend.
You have GOT to be kidding me [cross-eyed head tilt], Holly F. Photos may be by Kimberly J, we’re not sure…
[ooh ooh, lookit who popped up in the comments! the original story!]
#8 Cutest Photo of 2011:
Ladies and Gentlemen, The Cutest Kitten in the World.
For your Caturday pleasure, this is an encore Presentayshe of Meme, originally posted April 2008.
There are really no sufficient words to accurately describe the proshness you are about to witness. Rest-assured the Japanese [shaking fist to sky] beat us AGAIN on this one. This time with the delectable dollop named “Memebon”
See a LOT more of Memebon, her family and tons of merch over at
#7 Cutest Photo of 2011:
Release the Dweebs!
Submitterated by Mischa M. More poise and grace here.
#6 Cutest Photo of 2011:
Click to view slideshow.
Elizabeth V., you are a TRENDSETTER
#5 Cutest Photo of 2011:
The Tiniest Snorfer
(…is also the tiniest hoofer, schnozzle and ear flaps coincidentally.)
You absolutely must click to see the other shot of this piglet by whisker snaps photo.
#4 Cutest Photo of 2011:
THIS JUST IN: Pug wearing Pug Slippères
Redonk. Scroll down for proshness:
Sender-Inner Megan B. likes things in triplicate to be safe. Photo by Wombatarama.
#3 Cutest Photo of 2011:
Baby ferret dreams of changing THE WORLD!
One day, [dreamily] ferrets won’t be seen just as furry knee socks with eyes, or hammock-dwelling, mischievous ne’er do-wells!
No! [shifts anerable feets] we ferrets will stand up and — Mmm, delicious blankie — lead other Pocket Pets by example!
No more shoe stealing, constant cat swiping or hiding under bed covers surprising humans when they least expect eet! —Yawn—
That day will come, Claire. It will.
#2 Cutest Photo of 2011:
Ladies and Gentlemen, the best pet Halloween costume of all time.
For the record:
1. Yes, I am biased because I have (and adore) Italian Greyhounds
2. Yes, I am biased because I love Star Wars
3. Yes, I am biased because I appreciate my local “inspiration” for AT-ATs
Still, you cannot deny this remains the best Halloween pet costume you’ve seen since “Croc Munches Pup“
Inspiring work, Katie M.! Pup “Bones” has a FaceBook page, natch.
#1 Cutest photo of 2011:
How to Pick Up a Baby Red Panda in 5 Easy Steps
Step 1: Locate Cub. Snorf cub neck to determine if said cub is indeed the correct cub that needs a pickin’ (up.)
Step 2: Brace self with nearby log (or chair leg) for support
Step 3: Grip cub firmly with patented Double-Wrap-Around-Huggular-Neck-Chomp-n-Claw™ motion!
Step 4: If cub grip loosens, perform extra snarfing action at nape of neck
Step 5: Finally, carry cub around like you own the place!
Oh and, try not to swing the baby to and fro, it’s bad form.
Cuteporter Sarah A. discovered these gems by RomeoOliverPool.
So there you have it, the Top Ten Cutest Photos of 2011. We hope your mind is sufficiently blown. Our Stat-o-meter™ will register it, you cannot hide!
Don’t miss the older (but in no way better!) Top Tens!
Top Ten Cutest Photos of 2010
Top Ten Cutest Videos of 2010
Top Ten Cutest Photos of 2009
I can’t for the life of me find 2008! Anyone in the comments let me know!
Top Ten Cutest Photos of 2007
Filed under: Best of, Top Story Tagged: encore presentayshe