On ET today, Crystal Renn was asked, as usual, about her weight loss. She gave the same articulate answer she always does — she had an eating disorder, followed by years as a plus-size model, and then gradually started to lose weight after a hiking trip in Patagonia got her interested in exercising again. (ET then ran the interview with the headline "Crystal Renn Reveals Truth About Her Weight Loss," as if she'd admitted to having a tapeworm or something.) She's been a stable, healthy size for a while now, which is an anomaly in the modeling world.
I have been every single size in women's fashion. I really don't think anyone can say that. I've been a double-zero, children's clothes, at 95 pounds, and I've been all the way up to a size 16 and everything in between. So to come to this place of being a 6, 8, sometimes a 10 depending on what designer I'm wearing. And that's an interesting place to be in fashion, where extremes are the norm.
What's interesting is that this story of her weight loss — which has been beaten to death by the media for years now — is still the main subject of her interviews. Why not ask how more models in the six-to-eight size range can get jobs? Surely that topic is more relevant now.
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Filed Under:
crystal renn
,model tracker
,the curvy campaign
,body issues