Links for 2012-02-18:
- Motor Vehicle Sales, Three Years after the Deluge - Econbrowser
- Heartening News About What Economists Think - Brad DeLong
- The Dodd-Frank act: Too big not to fail - The Economist
- Reversing Local Austerity - Paul Krugman
- Manufacturing Illusions - Robert Reich
- Obama’s Recovery? - Jeffrey Frankel
- Behind a White House Pivot on China -
- Key Measures of Inflation in January - Calculated Risk
- Health-Care Costs and Climate Change - James Kwak
- The Options for Payment Reform in Health Care - Uwe Reinhardt
- The Countrywide Complaint and the Capitalization of Trust - Rajiv Sethi
- The fraying thread between pay and productivity - Resolution Foundation
- Rethinking industry policy: Size matters - Vox EU
- Charles Murray, a Libertarian... - Miles Corak
- Apple moves the Gatekeeper offsite - Digitopoly