London Olympics security 'will learn from 7/7 bombings'

London Olympics security 'will learn from 7/7 bombings':

Prior to two-day emergency services exercise in capital, Olympic security chief says 7/7 inquest recommendations will play part

The Metropolitan police have promised to draw lessons from the 7/7 bombings inquest in policing this summer's Olympic Games, ahead of a major "live test" on the streets of London this week.

Announcing plans for the two-day live exercise, called Forward Defensive, the national Olympic security co-ordinator, assistant commissioner Chris Allison, said it would highlight the complex co-operation required between emergency services, City Hall, Transport for London, Olympic organisers, the government, and counter-terrorism units.

Allison said the conclusions of Lady Justice Hallett's report in the wake of the inquest into the deaths of 52 people on 7 July 2005 – the day after London won the right to host the Olympics – had informed much of the planning.

"A significant amount of work has been done in relation to those recommendations. At their heart, they're about further developing partnership working, and further developing the response that has to be put in place, not only by the three emergency services but also by Transport for London," he said.

"A lot of work has been done since the recommendations [were made] and a lot more will be done. But part and parcel of the exercise is to test that joint working, to ensure it is going to occur as we think it's going to occur next year."

On Wednesday and Thursday the 2,500 individuals taking part in the test event will be asked to assume the incident takes place on August 8 and 9 – two of the busiest days during the Olympics across London.

"It is for testing our first responders' capabilities, and what we have learned to make sure that we have got that in place from 7/7. Then there is the follow-up across all these commands and communications nodes who normally do not work together," said Allison.

"Here we are doing it in a live exercise. It is testing communication flows right from the very bottom from the constable or fire officer who is responding, right the way up to Cobra."

Cabinet ministers will also be involved in the two-day exercise, which will centre on the disused Aldwych underground station in central London.

Around mid-morning on Wednesday the public will see emergency services racing to the scene. In all, around 2,500 people will be involved in what Allison said was the most complex "live play" exercise ever staged in London.

On the busiest days of the Games up to 12,000 police will be on duty, augmented by an unspecified number of counter-terrorism officers.

A series of other ongoing "table-top" exercises have highlighted other aspects of security planning, while a major military test exercise will take place in May.

There have been concerns that the 30 miles of so-called "Games lanes" that will be cordoned off during the Olympics would not be accessible to ambulances that weren't in emergency response mode, but Allison insisted he was happy with the arrangements.

James Brokenshire, the crime and security minister, said: "As I understand it, lots of discussions have taken place between all the blue light services, Transport for London and the ODA to ensure that there is emergency service access to the Olympic route network. We note the comments in the newspapers over the weekend, but these discussions have been ongoing for some considerable time and we understand all appropriate access has been given to the requests that have been received."

He added: "This is something we will continue to review and monitor. But to be clear, all emergency service vehicles will have access if it is an emergency, blue light situation."

Defence secretary Phillip Hammond also announced on Monday that up to 2,100 reservists would be called up as part of the 13,500 strong military presence at the Games.

After Olympic organisers underestimated the number of security guards required in venues by 13,700, it was revealed in December last year that the military would have to step in to help out, as well as supply thousands of personnel to support police operations.

Some reservists will provide a range of specialist capabilities and expertise but the majority will be used to support the Olympic venue security operations.

The total number of reservists called up for the Games is more than three times the number currently on duty in Afghanistan. © 2012 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved. | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds
