“Look What You’ve Done to Me, MAKE Magazine!”

“Look What You’ve Done to Me, MAKE Magazine!”:

In response to my Introduction to MAKE post for the CNN segment that broadcast today, Johnny Carlos, a new “convert” to making, shared this video celebrating his recent purchase of a Maker Shed Getting Started with Arduino kit. Within minutes he’d built and programmed a simple robot, and cleverly, used the kit box as the body for his bot. I love when he says:

Now I’m having trouble sleeping at night as I lie there thinking of all of the cool things I can build.

Great work, Johnny, and welcome to the party! Please share your future builds with us.

And all of you reading this, don’t forget to share your projects with us, too. You can post to our Flickr pool, Facebook page, Twitter account, or use our submission form. We want to see what you’re working on!

Rapid Prototyping: the Make Box Bot
