Guys, being a fashion plate is hard. Particularly during show season, when your every outfit gets photographed, fawned over, shot some more, and then scrutinized from head (outlandish hat) to toe (Prada heels). Were it not for the many calming facials that accompany pre-fashion week routines, there’d be a high risk of stress-related breakouts and worry lines all over the front row's faces. Oh, the horror!
But luckily, we’ve taken all the rocket science out of the sartorial equation with our snazzy outfit-o-matic. Style folks like Anna, Carine, Kanye, Freja, and others in their own clothes, each other's, and some random outfits for good measure. The possbilities aren't quite endless, but they are fun; there's our take on Anna doing Lagerfeld above, with a bonus military beret, just because. And really, who wouldn’t want to see Terry Richardson dressed up like a garden gnome? Or Anna Dello Russo paying homage to Pink Flamingos–era Divine?
Let us know in the comments which outfit combinations work best, and whether we’ve left out any key pieces.
Read more posts by Alex ReesMarisa Woocher
Filed Under:
anna wintour
,kanye west
,fashion week preview fall 2012
,terry richardson
,freja beha