Afghanistan explosion thought to have killed six British soldiers

Afghanistan explosion thought to have killed six British soldiers:

Ministry of Defence says six soldiers are missing, believed dead, after explosion hit armoured vehicle

Six British soldiers are missing, believed killed, after an explosion hit an armoured vehicle in Afghanistan, the Ministry of Defence said.

The five soldiers from the 3rd Battalion the Yorkshire Regiment and one from the 1st Battalion the Duke of Lancaster's Regiment were on mounted patrol when their Warrior armoured fighting vehicle was struck on Tuesday in Helmand province. If they are dead it will take the number of British service personnel killed in Afghanistan since operations began in 2001 to more than 400 and intensify debate about the timetable for withdrawal of troops.

Lieutenant Colonel Gordon Mackenzie, spokesman for Task Force Helmand, said: "I have the tragic duty to report that six soldiers are missing, believed killed, during a security patrol." Next of kin have been informed.

David Cameron said the news was a "desperately sad day for our country".

Speaking in Downing Street, the prime minister added: "It is a reminder of the huge price that we are paying for the work we are doing in Afghanistan and the sacrifice that our troops have made and continue to make.

"I do believe it's important work for our national security right here at home but of course this work will increasingly be carried out by Afghan soldiers and we all want to see that transition take place.

"But today we should think of the families."

The defence secretary, Philip Hammond, and chief of defence staff, General Sir David Richards, paid tribute to the soldiers and their efforts to help build up Afghan security forces as the UK prepares to withdraw combat troops from Afghanistan by the end of 2014.

Hammond said the incident "brings home to us the dangers that are faced on a daily basis by the men and women of our armed forces deployed in Afghanistan".

He added: "I utterly condemn those responsible for this incident who will ultimately fail to derail a mission that is protecting our national security at home and making real progress in Helmand province."

The Labour leader, Ed Miliband, said: "It is tragic news that six of our soldiers are missing, presumed dead, in Afghanistan. Our hearts go out to their families, friends and colleagues.

"This is a dark day.

"We salute all of our fallen and those who continue to serve in the face of the gravest danger. They are serving with bravery and courage and we owe them all a huge debt of gratitude."

Richards said he was "deeply saddened" by the news. "The courage, fortitude and determination of those servicemen and women currently in Helmand is inspirational," he said

Warrior armoured fighting vehicles are designed to withstand explosions from mines, suggesting a large explosion. An improvised explosive device of such magnitude would probably have taken several men a number of hours to put it in place. A £1bn upgrade of the Warriors was announced at the end of last year, designed to extend the service life of the vehicles to 2040 and beyond.

If all six soldiers were killed the incident would represent the biggest single loss of UK life in a single incident in Afghanistan since 2006, when an ageing RAF Nimrod crashed in the country, shortly after mid-air refuelling, with the loss of all 14 people aboard. That was the most deadly incident involving British troops since the US-led invasion in the wake of the 9/11 terror attacks.

If the soldiers are dead, it will take to 404 the number of British service personnel killed since the 2001 Nato-led invasion. It will make this year's death toll for British soldiers in Afghanistan 10. The latest incident comes as political pressure to bring the conflict to an end is mounting internationally.

Downing Street said last month that British troops would end their lead combat role in Afghanistan by the end of next year. This will lead to Afghan security forces being in sole charge of combat operations against insurgents by the end of 2014, when most of Britain's 9,500-strong contingent will have returned home. Tuesday's events will renew concerns about the capability of the Afghan forces to cope as Nato troops withdraw.

The government clarified the UK's withdrawal strategy after an announcement by the US defence secretary, Leon Panetta, that the role of US forces would change from combat to training from the middle of next year. © 2012 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved. | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds
