Developer Services Beta from Intel AppUp developer program FAQ

Developer Services Beta from Intel AppUp developer program FAQ:

What is the Developer Services beta?

The Developer Services Beta from the Intel AppUp(SM) developer program is a new
set of cloud APIs that provide location aware capabilities and features for app
development for Ultrabookss and other devices. There are five location based APIs
in the Developer Services Beta: Geolocation, Geocoding, Reverse Geocoding, Maps,
Directions and Points of Interest (POI).

What are the Developer Beta RESTFul APIs

The Developer Services Beta API are a set of 5 location based API available
for any OS and device that can make http calls to the Internet. These APIs
include: Geocoding, Reverse Geocoding, Maps, Points Of Interests and Directions.
The API can called using HTTP and the return value can be either XML or JSON. These set of APIs can be
accessible from the AppUp developer program websites software services portal.

Where is the Developer Services beta?

You can get access to the Developer Service

Is the Developer Services beta different than the AppUp SDK?

Yes, these are two separate services that are offered
from the Intel App developer
program. Both must be downloaded separately and both offer completely different
features for app development.

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