MAKE Confetti Party with Kinect/Box2D Mashup

MAKE Confetti Party with Kinect/Box2D Mashup:
For the upcoming Vancouver Mini Maker Faire fundraiser party tonight, Vincent van Haaff made a fun confetti party with openFrameworks.

Kinect/Box2D Mashup, Now With Penciled Outlines! from Vincent van Haaff on Vimeo.
Here are a few words from Vincent on how it works:

Because the Kinect can capture depth, you can isolate a shape based on distance, which is awesome, just as people use color (green screens, etc). Once you isolate that shape, I then filled the shape with triangles to generate an edge that could then be used in a Box2D simulation (the 2d physics engine that runs Angry Birds). Then you play with it a lot. \o/
