MTV Announces End of Controversial Reality Show: MTV has announced that a controversial reality show will end with its fourth season, which is expected to air this summer, reports show is "Teen Mom," which will end the installment featuring the four original cast members."Season 4 will be the final season of ‘Teen Mom’ with Maci, Catelynn, Amber and Farrah," MTV said in a statement.Maci Bookout, Amber Portwood, Farrah Abraham and Catelynn Lowell first starred in MTV's "16 and Pregnant" in 2009 and moved on to "Teen Mom" after that, the story notes.Portwood drew attention for her law enforcement problems, when she was arrested for domestic violence against the father of her child. The show also drew criticism from some viewers who believed it glamorized teen motherhood.Later cycles of the show are not affected by the announcement. Season four of “16 and Pregnant” is set to premiere March 27, with the cast expected to later be featured in “Teen Mom 3,” the story notes. The status of “Teen Mom 2” has not been revealed.