Poverty in England: how Experian ranks where you live

Poverty in England: how Experian ranks where you live:

Which places are at the biggest risk of poverty across England? See the data from credit reference agency Experian
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How poor is your area - and how much worse will it get?

Credit reference company Experian, besides supplying information to credit cards companies and banks, also provides data for the public sector – and has given us this data.

It ranks every English local authority by a set of key poverty indicators, they include:

• Greatest overall risk of poverty taking account of multiple factors
• Greatest likelihood to contain those in current poverty
• Greatest likelihood to contain those who may fall into poverty in the short to medium term
• Greatest likelihood to contain those who may fall into poverty in the longer term
• Greatest likelihood to contain households whose income is less than 60% of the median for England
• Likelihood for the presence of households at risk of long-term unemployment
• Likelihood for the presence of households at greatest risk of experiencing child poverty
• Greatest likelihood to contain households at risk of financial exclusion
• Greatest likelihood to contain households at risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Where do they get the facts from? Experian says:

The majority of indices are derived from our proprietary sources and our own modelled work. A key input for most of the indicators is Mosaic Public Sector, a version of Experian's consumer classification but designed specifically for use by Public Sector organisations. Mosaic contains over 400 data variables. Two thirds of the indicators use the linkage between Mosaic Public Sector and external data to derive a baseline to create a specific indicator of poverty. The other third are based upon either Experian proprietary consumer marketing data, or modelling of publically available data such as the Index of Multiple Deprivation, HMRC data on Child Poverty and Claimant Count data from NOMIS (unemployment).

The data shows just how the north-east of England is at the top of these indicators. The key rankings are:

• Most at risk of falling into poverty: Middlesborough
• Most likely to contain people living in poverty: Hull
• Most at risk of long-term unemployment: Newham
• Greatest risk of child poverty: Newham
• S Tyneside is the place most at risk of households with COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

The other side of this is the most 'resilient' places: City of London, Westminster, Richmond, Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire.

How does it compare to the places suffering the biggest cuts in public spending?

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