Intel AppUp™ In-App Purchase Software

Intel AppUp™ In-App Purchase Software:

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Intel AppUp™ In-App Purchase Software allows developers’ end users to purchase non-consumables, and content directly within an application, without going back to the Intel AppUp center. This simplifies and shortens the purchase process, thus enabling the end user to make a quick purchase. For Example, developers could use the Intel AppUp In-App Purchase Software to implement any of the following:

  1. Basic, free application with an option to purchase a Pro version

  2. Application that allows users to pay to unlock new levels or advanced features

  3. Application with the ability to buy content, such as eBooks or videos


The Intel AppUp™ In-App purchase Software offers the following functionalities:

In-App Unlocking - Allow users to buy app features, game levels, or other non consumable items within the application. Read more about this capability here

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