WATCH OUT: There's A Fake Instagram App For Android That Can Read Your Text Messages (GOOG, FB)

WATCH OUT: There's A Fake Instagram App For Android That Can Read Your Text Messages (GOOG, FB):
instagram camera
There's a phony version of Instagram for Android floating around containing malware that can access your text messages, according to security research firm Sophos.
TNW picked up the Sophos report.
Sophos says the fake Instagram app is available on a few websites, including one based in Russia.
The app pretends to be a fully-functional version of Instagram, but doesn't always connect to the photo-sharing service's network.
The best way to protect yourself from accidentally downloading the fake Instagram app is to only use the official Google Play market on your phone.
This is the second fake big-name malicious app in two weeks. Last week Sophos discovered a fake version of Angry Birds Space that could access personal information on your phone.
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