What's Behind All the Recastings This Pilot Season?: This pilot season has seen a rash of recastings, and Nellie Andreeva, writing on Deadline.com, says she may know why. Noting that she has "rarely seen so many recastings before pilots were filmed," Andreeva says technology could be to blame.The problem may reside in the way the casting process has evolved, Andreeva notes. It used to be that finalists would test in person in front of network and studio executives, who would then discuss the candidates and pick the strongest one.This year, two-thirds of pilot auditions were taped at the studios and emailed to the networks, Andreeva writes. Only CBS offered the in-person tests on all of its pilots, she points out."In most cases, executives see a pilot’s cast members together for the first time at the table read. That’s when some mis-castings become clear," Andreeva notes.Notable recastings this season include actor Ryan Phillippe, who left the CBS drama pilot "Golden Boy" and was replaced by British actor Theo James, and Fox's comedy "Ned Fox Is My Manny," which replaced "Saturday Night Live" cast member Abby Elliott with Dakota Johnson.