An Animated Quarter Century:
According to Kotaku, May 21 was the 25th birthday of the animated GIF, those grainy silent loops that turn your computer into a 100-year-old penny arcade. And what better way to celebrate than with some loopy animal hijinks?
(Caution: Web sites distributing GIFs may contain NSFW content.)
Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Cartoons, Kittens, Pocket Pets, Pups
According to Kotaku, May 21 was the 25th birthday of the animated GIF, those grainy silent loops that turn your computer into a 100-year-old penny arcade. And what better way to celebrate than with some loopy animal hijinks?
(Caution: Web sites distributing GIFs may contain NSFW content.)
Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Cartoons, Kittens, Pocket Pets, Pups