Marc Cherry Project 'Devious Maids' May Head to Lifetime, Along With Canceled CBS Drama: Marc Cherry's dramedy pilot "Devious Maids," which was skipped over by ABC, might be heading to Lifetime, reports are preliminary between Lifetime and ABC Studios, the project's producer.The cable network has been considering several broadcast pilots that were passed over, as well as some canceled shows, including the CBS drama "Unforgettable," the story says. “Unforgettable” has also been in consideration at TNT, as previously reported."Devious Maids" appears to fit the direction Lifetime has been heading, which has been younger and sexier with shows such as "The Client List," the piece points out. Lifetime is the off-network home for "Desperate Housewives," also created by Cherry."Devious Maids" tracks four maids with their own dreams while they work for the privileged in Hollywood. "Desperate Housewives" star Eva Longoria is one of its executive producers.