Brad and Angelina vs. Rob and Kristen - Which Power Couple Will Top the PopSugar 100?:
The PopSugar 100 is coming down to its final days, and it's a close race between four individuals - Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Robert Pattinson, and Kristen Stewart - who also make up two of the hottest couples in Hollywood. Two-time PopSugar 100-winner Robert Pattinson is close to taking home a third title, but Brad Pitt is giving him a run for his money. It's also too close to call between leading ladies Kristen and Angelina, who are doing their best to upset the guys and pull out their own victory. Be sure to vote for Rob, Brad, Angelina, and Kristen in the PopSugar 100 faceoff game before the contest ends this weekend!
The PopSugar 100 is coming down to its final days, and it's a close race between four individuals - Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Robert Pattinson, and Kristen Stewart - who also make up two of the hottest couples in Hollywood. Two-time PopSugar 100-winner Robert Pattinson is close to taking home a third title, but Brad Pitt is giving him a run for his money. It's also too close to call between leading ladies Kristen and Angelina, who are doing their best to upset the guys and pull out their own victory. Be sure to vote for Rob, Brad, Angelina, and Kristen in the PopSugar 100 faceoff game before the contest ends this weekend!