Facebook Is Trying To Copy Path Says Facebook Mobile Guy

Facebook Is Trying To Copy Path Says Facebook Mobile Guy: Screen Shot 2012-06-20 at 3.34.06 AM
During a LeWeb interview with Path’s Head of Special Projects Shakil Khan, an audience member asked Khan about the state of Path’s relationship with Facebook.
It just so happened that the head of Facebook’s mobile business, Henri Moissinac, was standing behind the questioner in the audience, and host Loic Le Meur took the opportunity to ask Moissinac directly about the relationship between the two social networks.
“There’s a lot of people in Menlo Park [Facebook HQ] who like to use it,” Moissinac replied, “Facebook is trying to copy Path,” he went on, without adding further details about the extent to which the startup was being copied. Okay …
As Facebook has already tried to clone or incorporate features from many existing startups (Facebook Questions, anyone?), this comes as no surprise. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if Facebook hadn’t tried to acquire Path,  if only to rehire former Facebook Platform VP and current Path CEO Dave Morin.
“Facebook is building cities, Path is building the homes.” Khan responded about the Facebook/Path relationship. Those cities are going to need homes, sure — But does Facebook plan on always outsourcing the construction?

“@tknuewer: #Facebook-Designers are trying to copy #Path design says on of the Facebook mobile team at #LeWeb”—
Manuel P. Nappo (@manuelnappo) June 20, 2012
