Fire Devastation in the Western U.S. Seen From Space

Fire Devastation in the Western U.S. Seen From Space:

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Western U.S. on Fire

  • Western U.S. on Fire

  • High Park Fire, CO

  • High Park Fire, CO

  • Waldo Canyon Fire, CO

  • Whitewater Baldy Fire, NM

  • Whitewater Baldy Fire, NM

  • Gladiator Fire, AZ

  • Little Bear Fire, NM

  • Little Bear Fire, NM

  • Space Station Video

The scale of the fires burning in the Western United States this summer can be hard to fathom. But the view from space reveals the true extent of the devastation. Satellites have captured some sobering images of the fire, smoke and burn scars scattered across the Intermountain West.

While the fires in Colorado are dominating the news this week, blazes have also been raging in New Mexico, Utah and Arizona in June. Here are some of the scenes from space collected by NASA, NOAA and the U.S. Geological Survey this month.


This view from NOAA's Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite, GOES-15, on June 28 shows fires dotting the Rockies and sending smoke over huge swaths of the Midwest. Much of the smoke in this image is from blazes in Wyoming.
Image: NASA/NOAA GOES Project.

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