Need a Parent Loan? Hit Dad Up First:
NEW YORK (MainStreet) -- Be especially nice to your Dad on Father's Day this weekend.
You'd likely do it anyway, but there's a bonus -- it may pave the way for a cash infusion from dear old dad down the road.
Money problems? Need cash? Dad is likely to be your best bet for a fast response, a survey says.
How so? It turns out fathers are more likely to respond to a request for cash from a son or daughter by dipping into his wallet right away.
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NEW YORK (MainStreet) -- Be especially nice to your Dad on Father's Day this weekend.
You'd likely do it anyway, but there's a bonus -- it may pave the way for a cash infusion from dear old dad down the road.
Money problems? Need cash? Dad is likely to be your best bet for a fast response, a survey says.
How so? It turns out fathers are more likely to respond to a request for cash from a son or daughter by dipping into his wallet right away.
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