Golden Raindrops Rise and Fall in Singapore Airport Installation

Golden Raindrops Rise and Fall in Singapore Airport Installation: [ By Steph in Art & Installation & Sound. ]

Over a thousand golden raindrops undulate in programmed patterns, rising and falling in waves and spirals, in a beautiful installation by German design collective ART+COM. Dangling from steel wires, the sculptures put on a mesmerizing display at Singapore’s Changi Airport.

The exhibition, entitled ‘Kinetic Rain’, consists of two sets of 608 copper-covered aluminum raindrop scuptures that are computer-controlled to move in choreographed patterns. It was commissioned as a calming centerpiece for the airport’s departure hall.

“The sculpture aims to be a source of identity for its location, and provides a moment for passengers to contemplate and reflect despite the busy travelling atmosphere,” says ART+COM.

“Kinetic Rain follows a 15-minute computationally designed choreography where the two parts move together in unison, sometimes mirroring, sometimes complementing, and sometimes responding to each other. In addition, several spotlight sources mounted below the installation create a play of shadows on the terminal’s ceiling as they illuminate the movement of the rain droplets.”

See a video of the installation in action at Dezeen.

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[ By Steph in Art & Installation & Sound. ]

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