IDSANYC Presents Spark in 60

IDSANYC Presents Spark in 60:

Hot on the heels of the second annual "Dead or Alive" panel discussion, IDSANYC is pleased to launch Spark in 60, a new website offering minute-long doses of video inspiration.
You are enjoying a smattering of unique insights and experiences from the New York creative community. Each sixty-second sound bite is a window to something truly inspirational, profound or just plain fun. Throughout this exploration we uncovered wonderful original thinking and remarkable experiences. Spark in 60 exists to cross-pollinate inspiration to people everywhere.

The project started in the spring of 2012 by capturing interview "Sparks" with a wide array of creative talent in NYC. We made the decision to capture these interviews with a smart phone because of 2 reasons: 1) It facilitates a casual atmosphere. 2) Taking stills is fast and agile. These two factors allow us to interview people anywhere and share their own unique perspective or inspiration. It also enables crowd sourcing opportunities. Stay tuned...


The clip of IDEO'er (and sometime Core columnist) Ingrid Fetell is as good a place to start as any:

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