Rezzed: 5th RPS Indie Mud Wrestling Championships

Rezzed: 5th RPS Indie Mud Wrestling Championships:
This is the real reason to be there.
Oh good gracious, Rezzed is this week. Friday and Saturday, in fact. And if the line-up wasn’t already flipping impressive enough for you (playable Borderlands 2, Far Cry 3, Prison Architect, Natural Selection 2, Xenonauts, Skulls Of The Shogun, DOTA 2 and tons more, along with speakers like Peter Molyneux, Randy Pitchfork, and RPS’s very own game jam), it just got one hundred and seventy three thousand times better. Yes, we’ve waited until almost the last moment to
announce the greatest event of them all: The 5th Annual International Rock, Paper, Shotgun Indie Mud Wrestling Championships.
