The Sunday Papers

The Sunday Papers:

Sundays are for being on holiday, and still remembering to compile a list of the writings from the past week of the internet’s Eye-Of-Sauron-like concentration on the activities of games. Will a tiny person finally chuck an evil ring into the volcano of our gaming philosophy? Or will he get accidentally eaten by a giant spider? I just don’t know.
  • This is basically essential reading, whatever your level of interest in the game, Quintin Smith on DOTA 2: “I am Luke on the Millenium Falcon, being told to fight the drone blind. And when you succeed at that in Dota 2 – when you retreat down a lane, only to see some huge bastard with an axe burst out from the bushes to land, violently, where you just were – the high is outrageous. Two things: As of today, I’m not just curious about Dota 2 anymore. I’m having an absolutely incredible time. I’d also never have gotten this far if I wasn’t playing with friends.”
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