Fox Promotes Former NBC Exec Kevin Reilly: Fox Entertainment President Kevin Reilly, formerly a top exec at NBC, has been promoted to Chairman of Entertainment for the Fox Broadcasting Co., reports move puts Reilly in the job formerly held by Peter Rice, who was recently promoted to Chairman and CEO of Fox Networks Group.“As part of the promotion, Reilly has signed a new, multi-year contract with the network, believed to be for three years,” the report notes. “In addition to all programming -- including reality/alternative -- and digital, Reilly also will oversee scheduling, marketing, research, and business affairs, areas that for the most part had reported to Rice.”Said Rice: “Kevin is a uniquely gifted executive with the strong strategic vision and creative instincts to ensure that Fox continues to drive the future of our industry. We are incredibly fortunate to have him here and thrilled he will be with us for many more years.”The report adds: “The title bump solidifies Reilly’s new position as the top executive at Fox. As entertainment president, he worked under Peter Liguori from 2007-09 and then Rice.“Since joining Fox in 2007, Reilly has presided over the lineup of Fox, which has finished as No. 1 network among Adults 18-49 for a record eight consecutive seasons, though its reign may come to an end next season when CBS has the Super Bowl.”Reilly has overseen the addition of series including “Glee,” “New Girl” and “The X Factor,” the story notes.“Reilly also was the architect behind the recently launched Animation Domination HD -- an independent production subsidiary now ramping up production on alternative animation for digital channels and a late-night Saturday block on Fox,” the report notes.While he was president of entertainment at NBC, Reilly shepherded series including “The Office,” “The Biggest Loser” and “30 Rock.”