Seven police hurt in disturbances at Belfast parade

Seven police hurt in disturbances at Belfast parade:

Disorder erupts after band breaks ruling that loyalists should not play music near St Patrick's Chapel in city centre
Seven police officers were injured during protests against a loyalist marching band that broke a ban on parading past a Catholic church in central Belfast.
The Police Service of Northern Ireland has confirmed that it will investigate those members of the Young Conway Volunteers band who defied a legal ruling not to pay loyalist tunes or march past St Patrick's chapel in Donegall Street on Saturday.
The PSNI said the officers sustained minor injuries in the disturbances as nationalist protested against the band and other loyalist bands filing past the church into Belfast city centre.
The band caused controversy on the 12 July when a Sinn Féin activist filmed them parading outside the church playing a tune that disparages the Irish potato famine.
The Parades Commission – the body that adjudicates on controversial loyalist marches – had banned the Shankill Road-based band from marching past the church or playing music outside it.
The loyalist bands are parading on the final day of the marching season when the Royal Black Preceptory – a Protestant institution similar to the Orange Order – holds marches across Northern Ireland.
Earlier the institution has called for the last parade of the marching season to pass off peacefully and without violence. © 2012 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved. | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds
