SketchUp Tip: Creating 3D contour lines for do-it-yourself topo maps

SketchUp Tip: Creating 3D contour lines for do-it-yourself topo maps:
Here's a great little SketchUp video tutorial from the folks at concept3D, who we've shown you before with their excellent models at Northeastern University, Duke University and fun tools like the Paul McCartney seat preview tool for a concert last year.

The concept3D team has built a nice collection of SketchUp video tutorials, including this one that shows you how to quickly create a 3D topographic map from any location in Google Earth:

If you're a SketchUp user, I strongly recommend you view their full Video Training Series, which consists of 17 videos that show a variety of techniques for getting the most out of SketchUp.

Have you recently created something great with SketchUp? Tell us about it in the comments below.

(via +SketchUp)
