360-degree iPhone Panoramic Camera Travels Across America on a Scooter

360-degree iPhone Panoramic Camera Travels Across America on a Scooter:

Panoramic videographer and iPhone hacker Gabriel Paez is currently half-way across the country on his coast-to-coast trip from Seaside, OR to Portland, ME. As of this writing he’s in Dubuque, IA with his 2005 Vespa PX150 named Pucho. Riding atop his scooter, Paez is outfitted with a unique panoramic camera of his own design. Consisting of eight iPhones mounted to a harness and positioned directly over his helmet, the entire rig is controlled by a ninth wrist-mounted iPhone running custom software written by Paez. Check out Gabriel’s site to find out more about the project, see where he’s at, ask him a question, or donate some gas money. [Thanks, Marsee!]

Filed under: iPhone, Mobile, Photography, Transportation, Video Making
