Legend Of Grimrock Dungeon Editor Hits Public Beta:
Here it is: the moment you’ve been waiting for – well, if you’re the sort who loves hurling your friends into devious deathtrap gauntlets filled with beasties of all shapes, sizes, and snail-nesses. And if you’re not, I think it’s safe to say that you’re no friend of mine. At any rate, the – to briefly shift into press release parlance, except with actual sincerity – hotly anticipated more-than-350-item dungeon editor for Legend of Grimrock is finally right around the corner. If you’ve got the tough-as-nails dungeon crawler on Steam, though, you can give it a go right now.
Here it is: the moment you’ve been waiting for – well, if you’re the sort who loves hurling your friends into devious deathtrap gauntlets filled with beasties of all shapes, sizes, and snail-nesses. And if you’re not, I think it’s safe to say that you’re no friend of mine. At any rate, the – to briefly shift into press release parlance, except with actual sincerity – hotly anticipated more-than-350-item dungeon editor for Legend of Grimrock is finally right around the corner. If you’ve got the tough-as-nails dungeon crawler on Steam, though, you can give it a go right now.