Maker Faire New York: Lumiphonic Creature Choir:
Come see the Lumiphonic Creature Choir at World Maker Faire inside the Great Hall. The Choir will be performing at these times and this project is not to be missed. Part music performance, part projection, the faces that appear on the end of tentacles talk & sing and complete the performance. Spectacular and simultaneously surreal, the Choir is the brainchild of Synarcade Audio-Visuals.
Filed under: Maker Faire
Come see the Lumiphonic Creature Choir at World Maker Faire inside the Great Hall. The Choir will be performing at these times and this project is not to be missed. Part music performance, part projection, the faces that appear on the end of tentacles talk & sing and complete the performance. Spectacular and simultaneously surreal, the Choir is the brainchild of Synarcade Audio-Visuals.
Filed under: Maker Faire