Reality Rebranding: Corporate Logos Get Brutally Honest

Reality Rebranding: Corporate Logos Get Brutally Honest: [ By Delana in Design & Graphics & Branding. ]

The average American child can recognize popular brand logos long before learning to read. Viktor Hertz is a Swedish artist who takes the most recognizable corporate logos and turns them into something a little more honest.

Using the same color schemes, fonts and graphics as the originals, Hertz rethinks logos. He turns them from tools of corporate deception into tools of honest communication.

How many of us would still buy these products and shop at these establishments if their logos were more truthful? A dinner out at McDiabetes seems a little less wholesome and American than a meal at McDonalds, after all.

Part of Hertz’ intention is obviously to be funny, but there is a lot of accuracy in this series – albeit very cynical accuracy. The humorous rebrandings tell the true story of what each company is actually all about.

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[ By Delana in Design & Graphics & Branding. ]

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