Space Shuttle Endeavor atop a 747

Space Shuttle Endeavor atop a 747:
Late last week, the Space Shuttle Endeavor flew atop a 747 into White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. The shuttle continued its journey to Edwards Air Force Base in California. In October, The Space Shuttle Endeavor will be moved via road to a special display at the California Science Center in Los Angeles.

During the flight, DigitalGlobe captured an amazing image of the shuttle, which can be seen here:


You'll notice that the color is a bit off in the image. The reason for that, as explained by DigitalGlobe:

In this image, the color offset of the aircraft occurs when a fast moving object is imaged by the satellite as the panchromatic image is collecting just slightly before the color image of the same location. When the image is merged together to make a color high resolution image, there is a slight offset on fast moving objects.

If you want to check it out for yourself, you can view it in Google Earth with this image overlay KML file that I created.
