TIMELINE OF MURDER: US Envoy's Death Marked by Chaos, Confusion: URGENT: After U.S. consulate in Benghazi began taking fire in attack, personnel effectively lost track of U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and did not recover his body until hours later.
Obama Speaks With Libyan, Egyptian Presidents After Attacks
9/11 Hit Eyed in Murder of US Envoy
2 Navy Destroyers Sent to Waters Off Libya
Diplomat Killed in Libya Sent Chilling Message to Fellow Gamers Before Death
Lawmakers: Strip Aid to Egypt, Libya
Ambassador Stevens Remembered as Selfless Diplomat
Romney Rips Obama Over Handling Attack
US Flags Burned Outside Tunisian Embassy
Anti-Islam Filmmaker in Hiding
Joint Chiefs Chairman Urges Pastor to Withdraw Support of Film
VIDEO: Senator Calls for Terror Probe
VIDEO: Attack Linked to 9/11?
GRAPHIC PHOTOS: Libya, Egypt Protests