Crime And Pun-ishment: First Person Shouter:
Often to my own detriment, I am wildly intrigued by things that confuse and frighten me. True story: this kind of thinking resulted in me being chased across a gorgeous Japanese park by a herd of enraged deer. It’s with a similar mentality that I bring you word of First Person Shouter. From the look of things, it’s about embittered nerds rebelling against their school bully oppressors by… screaming at them? I think there might also be psychic powers. It’s certainly got an eye for style, though, and I’d be remiss if I didn’t throw my implicit support behind such unabashed punsmanship. Study it in the form of a maybe-not-so-timely Skyrim parody after the break.
Often to my own detriment, I am wildly intrigued by things that confuse and frighten me. True story: this kind of thinking resulted in me being chased across a gorgeous Japanese park by a herd of enraged deer. It’s with a similar mentality that I bring you word of First Person Shouter. From the look of things, it’s about embittered nerds rebelling against their school bully oppressors by… screaming at them? I think there might also be psychic powers. It’s certainly got an eye for style, though, and I’d be remiss if I didn’t throw my implicit support behind such unabashed punsmanship. Study it in the form of a maybe-not-so-timely Skyrim parody after the break.