Daily Show’s Lizz Winstead Mocks Mandatory Ultrasounds

Daily Show’s Lizz Winstead Mocks Mandatory Ultrasounds:
Last week, Daily Show co-creator Lizz Winstead launched the reproductive rights website Lady Parts Justice, “a place where we create messaging that dares to speak the language of truth, without giving a rat’s ass about how it will be judged by the self-righteous,” according to a manifesto published on BoingBoing. The site features a video mocking laws that require pregnant women to undergo an ultrasound, with the monitor facing them, before deciding to terminate, one of “hundreds of creepy laws passed that strip away a woman’s right to privacy and access to healthcare.” Winstead echoes a reductive statement for which the Obama campaign was roundly shamed last week — “for the sake of your lady parts, vote this November" — but stresses that the "war on women" is a war on female self-determination, "the options of a woman to achieve her potential."
Read more posts by Kat Stoeffel
Filed Under:
lizz winstead
,lady part justice
,reclaiming things
,reproductive rights
,the daily show
