Disney Acquires All Of Lucasfilm – Including LucasArts

Disney Acquires All Of Lucasfilm – Including LucasArts:
Star Wars: Episode VII - in which it turns out the first two Death Stars were only distractions to hide a THIRD DEATH STAR. Starring Harrison Ford as a reluctantly out-of-retirement Han Solo and Shia Labeouf as everyone else.
Star Wars‘ universe is ruled by an all-powerful elderly man who’s known for controlling the masses with unspeakable technological horrors and shooting lightning out of his fingertips. I’m talking, of course, about George Lucas. However, in the most exciting twist the franchise has seen since “I am your father,” he’s now mostly out of the picture. Disney has officially purchased Lucasfilm – all technologies, IPs, and rights to every property – for $4.05 billion. We now live in a world where Pixar or Joss Whedon heading up a new Star Wars film is a very real possibility. But what does this mean for videogames? Could we finally get that Ewok tractor-driving simulator everyone’s been clamoring for? Or Grim Fandango 2 developed by the team that made Disney Princess: My Fairytale Adventure? We can only hope. So far, though, here’s what we know for sure.
