In Which I Wonder if the August/September 2011 Issue of Saveur Magazine is More Than Enough for This Lifetime — Weekend Meditation

In Which I Wonder if the August/September 2011 Issue of Saveur Magazine is More Than Enough for This Lifetime — Weekend Meditation:
2012_10_28-magazines.jpgI'm not a rich woman by any means, although I suppose that's a relative statement. I don't own a car or a house or even have an insurance policy, but I eat very well, live with an enormous amount of beauty and kindness, and have a pretty terrific set of friends and family and neighbors. Still, there's not a lot of extra cash in my life for things like vacations or the latest tech gadget or party dresses. So when a neighbor gave me a year's worth of old Saveur and Bon Appetit magazines, it was quite the treat. I stashed the glossy pile in a shelf near my bed, anticipating the joy of working my way through their rich and bountiful pages. More

