Michelle Obama on Taking Sasha and Malia to Vote For Dad!

Michelle Obama on Taking Sasha and Malia to Vote For Dad!:
We are thrilled to share our final answer in our series with First Lady Michelle Obama. It's less than a month until the election, so check out what Michelle has to say about getting your kids excited about voting:
PopSugar reader nancyein asks, "I want to know if you have any fun ideas about how to get kids excited about election day #POPSUGAR2012."
"Here's a good one - promise your kids you'll take them with you when you go vote. I remember going to vote with my parents as a kid and seeing them pull those big levers to make their decision. The process is a little different nowadays, but I think kids get excited about being involved all the same. I know my kids will never forget when we voted as a family on Election Day in 2008 (though it helped that Dad was on the ballot!).
If you take your kids with you to vote, you'll also teach them an important lesson about being an engaged citizen in our democracy - and hopefully they'll make voting a lifelong habit.

Redbook magazine has launched a 'Take Your Child to Vote' campaign through Election Day, and to check it out, visit Redbook.com."
