More Bastardly: Stealth Bastard Deluxe

More Bastardly: Stealth Bastard Deluxe:
The word 'bastard' wasn't allowed in game titles back when I was a lad so we called them 'Bad Dudes' instead.
I felt like I should have paid somebody at least a pound or two when I played Stealth Bastard last year. What began as an experiment in stripping stealth mechanics down to their furtive fundamentals was released as the speedy and stylish offspring of Metal Gear and Super Meat Boy. Next month, anyone who did play the free version and found it pleasing will be able to purchase Stealth Bastard Deluxe from Steam. The price isn’t available yet, but the Deluxification comes in the form of eighty levels, new equipment, a connecting narrative and “lots of new ways to die”. There’s a trailer for the non-deluxe below and that version will remain available even after the Steam release. Discover it here.
