Next Walking Dead Episode Just Around The Corner:

Have you finally regained the ability to speak in something other than live studio audience collective gasps after the last Walking Dead episode? Well then, prepare to lose it again, because the next episode, Around Every Corner, is - yes – right around the corner. (I swear, they come up with these titles using some kind of make-headline-writing-incredibly-easy machine.) But just how close is it? Could it be right behind you? Or maybe… maybe it is you. Or maybe it’ll be out on Wednesday. Whichever of those seems most plausible to you.
Have you finally regained the ability to speak in something other than live studio audience collective gasps after the last Walking Dead episode? Well then, prepare to lose it again, because the next episode, Around Every Corner, is - yes – right around the corner. (I swear, they come up with these titles using some kind of make-headline-writing-incredibly-easy machine.) But just how close is it? Could it be right behind you? Or maybe… maybe it is you. Or maybe it’ll be out on Wednesday. Whichever of those seems most plausible to you.