No Rage Against The Dying Of Metro 2′s Multiplayer Light:
This is scandalous! When I buy a shooter, I expect – nay, demand – for it to include a multiplayer mode that makes a mockery of the carefully-created fiction, is defined by the hollow pursuit of unlocks and is so rapidly abandoned by its players that it’s near-impossible to find a match about a fortnight after release. So hearing that Metro 2033 sequel Last Light has dropped its multiplayer really grinds my gears.
(It doesn’t. It seems like a very smart thing for a singleplayer-focused shooter to do).
This is scandalous! When I buy a shooter, I expect – nay, demand – for it to include a multiplayer mode that makes a mockery of the carefully-created fiction, is defined by the hollow pursuit of unlocks and is so rapidly abandoned by its players that it’s near-impossible to find a match about a fortnight after release. So hearing that Metro 2033 sequel Last Light has dropped its multiplayer really grinds my gears.
(It doesn’t. It seems like a very smart thing for a singleplayer-focused shooter to do).