Reinventing Engineering Education in the 21st Century

Reinventing Engineering Education in the 21st Century:

This Monday, October 15th from 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm, there will be a series of talks in NYC:

Engineering graduate numbers have been flat for decades despite the rapid growth of technology from the iPad to Space Exploration. Just 11% of engineers are women, up to 50% of engineering students drop out due to problems in rudimentary classes like calculus, and 88% of US engineering companies have great difficulty in hiring engineers.
All these numbers must be changed drastically if America is to sustain its culture of innovation. A series of GA-hosted events will focus on the topic “Re-Inventing Engingeering Education in the 21st Century” and will involve some of New York’s leading innovators in engineering education — from founders of maker spaces to industry leaders — who are making engineering fun, practical, engaging, and creative.
If you are passionate about changing engineering education, come join in the conversation with attendees that will range from aspiring STEM high school students to makers to PhD engineering graduates to policy leaders. Media from the event will be distributed across the web and viewed across the country.

Filed under: Announcements
