Tracking KMZ file usage with Google Analytics

Tracking KMZ file usage with Google Analytics:
We're clearly big fans of the KML/KMZ format here at Google Earth Blog. It's an amazing (and simple) way to share complex geo data with anyone that you wish to share it with. In fact, many of our posts include direct downloads to KML/KMZ files to help augment the content in the post.

I also use Google Analytics quite often. As part of GreenMellen Media, we track website statistics for hundreds of clients and Google Analtyics is by far our preferred way to do it. We also use it to track data here on Google Earth Blog to help determine where visitors are coming from and what content they're finding most appealing. It's a free tool, very powerful, and can provide amazing insights into traffic sources and trends.

Until now, though, tracking KMZ file downloads using Google Analytics was difficult. It's always been possible, but not easy to implement. Thanks to the folks at, it's now much easier.

If you use their Arc2Earth Desktop software, you can simply enter your Google Analytics Account Number and it will largely take care of the rest. Once you have it set up, the data will appear in Google Analytics along with all of your other website statistics.


It's a great way to track KMZ downloads and seems to work quite well. To learn more about this new feature, you can read the full entry on the Arc2Earth blog.
